Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I'm Back!

Many months ago I let this blog go dormant for various reasons. I often felt too overwhelmed by my work to sit down and write something coherent.  I also worried about repeating myself to my readers, as I am struck over and over by the revelation of the same truths. Most of all, I just figured that after three years no one but my mom was still reading this thing.

Eventually, coming in to contact with old friends and new acquaintances interested in my experience reminded me to check up on this blog. Turns out, it's had a lot of traffic over the last two months. Most of that is from google or from the SLM site. People are looking for information about the missionary experience in Bolivia, they're arriving at my blog, and they're finding...not a whole lot. 

Visiting the US this month made me realize that I have neglected an essential part of my mission: sharing it with the world! What exactly makes this a fundamental duty of any type of mission work is a topic for an entirely seperate post. For now, just believe me when I say that I screwed up here. 

But I intend to fix this.

It's overwhelming right now to try to sum up the last year, not to mention the new ways I've come to understand the two that preceded it. If you've come to this blog hoping to be introduced to the SLM program or the missionary experience, here are a few of my favorite posts (that sounds vain) from previous years to get your started. 

Right now I'm enjoying a little time in "la patria" (the homeland). I spent a month in Colorado, Idaho, and Oregon visitng friends and family, and am now in New York assisting in the preparation of 18 newSLMs. On August 19 I will return to Bolivia to continue my research (now as a professional, rather than as a Salesian Lay Missioner), with the adolescents of the Zona Sud of Cochabamba, Bolivia.

I could use some help getting started, so if there's anything in particular you'd like me to write about, please let me know!

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